detox your mind.

30 Day Alcohol-Free Journaling Mini Course

Yes, I need this!

How is journaling going to help me on my way to being alcohol-free? 

For one, we have all our thoughts jumbled up inside our head. You know when we're lying in bed at night wondering what we could've done differently or reliving an embarrassing moment from fourth grade or thinking about all the things we have to get done the next day. We need to get them OUT. We can't process them and let them go without getting them out first.

Second, we're able to put things into perspective and analyze what is really going on. Not the surface level issues, but the real deep down issues. The REAL reasons why we drank.


Alcohol is only one piece of the puzzle. 

It's easy to get sucked into the mommy wine culture and feel that there's no way out. Or maybe you've tried to dig your way out, but it was too hard to deal with all the emotions that kept bubbling to the surface after being trapped for far too long. 

Most of us think that when we remove alcohol from our life that it will be a piece of cake. I mean, if you're reading this right now, chances are that it hasn't been as easy as you thought it would be.

Most of the time, alcohol is just a symptom of what is really going on deep inside. Perfectionism, people-pleasing, low self-worth, anxiety (by the way if you don't already know alcohol is only fuel to your anxious self, so that's reason alone to cut the cord), and the list goes on. These are the REAL reasons we drink, and these will present themselves in what we write.

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Four years ago, I walked through the doors of detox, not knowing how I would make it through even the first hour, and here I am today, living proof that if you do the work, YOU WILL too see how much better life is without alcohol.

From the bottom of my heart, I truly believe that journaling is part of doing the work, which is why I created this for YOU.

Ready to write your way to alcohol freedom?

Yes, I need this!

Here's what you get.

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50 Page Workbook
(value = $100)
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Bad Habits Guided Meditation
(value = $20)

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Lifetime Access To Sober Mom Tribe Facebook Support Group
(value = $97)

When you add that all up, it comes out to a value of $217,

but you can get it today for only  $27.




By the end of 30 days, you will...

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Become aware of your thought processes and triggers. This is the FIRST step to change! 

Have started to develop healthy coping mechanisms, so that you don’t turn to alcohol when you’re anxious, stressed, sad, or whatever negative emotion you are feeling.

Have started to explore who you are without an alcohol-induced haze so that you’re not mindlessly going through the daily motions of life.

Less stress, anxiety, overwhelm, and worry!

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Hey there, I'm Alyson Premo.

Just 4  years ago, I was in the midst of a drinking cycle that I didn’t know how to get out of. Right now, you may be justifying your drinking with the mommy wine memes, merchandise, and the “everyone around me is drinking," so I’m fine attitude. I thought I was “fine” too until I slowly progressed to having shots of vodka before work, going out to the liquor store at lunch to fill up my coffee cup with wine, and finishing a whole bottle of wine before bed as my way of relaxing from the stressors of motherhood. 

This progression didn’t happen overnight. It took years of detoxing and thinking I could moderate, and then slowly going back to my old ways to finally wake up. Ultimately I hit my “rock bottom” on 11/14/16, and it ended up being the worst and best day of my life. That was the day I got sick of living my every waking moment with anxiety, sick of the hangovers, sick of not being the mother my son deserved, and sick of feeling like an embarrassment.

To fulfill my true purpose in life, I switched career paths from being in the corporate world as a Business Development Executive to becoming a Certified Professional Recovery/Life Coach. I was fueled by my passion to help other mothers who are struggling alone, and for those that wanted a different way than reading out of a Big Book in a church basement. 

I have been where you are. Hiding how much I was drinking. Chugging alcohol before even leaving to go to a restaurant. Never leaving a sip of alcohol behind. Not telling anyone how much I was drinking for fear of being called a bad mom. The shame and guilt kept me trapped in this cycle for far too long, which is why I’ve created this program. 

I’ve used my own experience of 4 years of sobriety, and other proven research to help get you out of this cycle. 


Good, because there's something I need to tell you.

You know, deep down, something needs to change. 

You know that you can’t keep living your life in this alcohol-induced haze. 

You know that you are meant for so much more than reaching for a glass of wine when times get tough. 

You know that your kids deserve a mother who says alcohol is bad, but then actually shows them that by not drinking it herself. 

Don’t keep putting your mental and physical health on the back burner. We only get one mind and body, so treat it with the respect it deserves, instead of polluting it with a cancer-causing substance. 

By the way, the American Cancer Society came out with NEW guidelines in June 2020 that stated it is best to AVOID alcohol completely. 

You read that right. Our culture is shifting, and it’s time to get on the alcohol-free train together. Hop on board, and let’s do this TOGETHER!