The best and healthiest version of you doesn't include alcohol.

Dec 30, 2020

Let me know if this sounds familiar.

Whether it's at the beginning of the year or not, you set goals to lose weight, eat healthier, be more active, or whatever goal you have toward your health.

So you're eating pretty good, you're working out, BUT you don't feel any better, and the number on the scale isn't moving. You can't seem to figure out why. I mean, you only have a couple of glasses of wine, so that can't be that bad, right? Wrong!

Aside from all the negatives, alcohol does to your mental health. It in no way, shape or form helps your physical health by not only being a Class 1 Carcinogen (same category as asbestos, by the way), it also has empty added calories.

Plus, if you were anything like me, I would drink on an empty stomach, and then after a few glasses, I didn't care about what I ate. A whole bag of chips? Yes! A package of cookies? I ate it like the Cookie Monster! I wasn't eating all day long, so I would "save" my calories for wine, but then end up having those calories and a bunch of unprocessed calorie laden food that made me feel even more like garbage.

Listen, I'm all about eating cake and chips and salsa even sober, but now I'm not shoving food down my throat because I didn't eat all day long so that I could get a buzz faster.

I guess my whole point is to say that alcohol is just sabotaging your efforts to be a healthier version of you. No matter who says having a glass of red wine is good for you because of the antioxidants. Um, I can get those some antioxidants in a handful of blueberries, so stop that nonsense.

Some start this alcohol-free journey because they saw that while they were doing all the right things regarding being healthier, alcohol was still the one constant holding them back from reaching their goal of feeling better.

So as we go into the New Year, when many set their intention to be "healthier," remember that alcohol is NOT doing you any favors in that department and is sabotaging you from reaching your goals, whether that be weight loss or not.

ONE more day until the 60 Day Alcohol-Free Challenge starts. You in yet? Click the link or message me directly to register!


4 Simple Tips To Ditch The Booze and The Excuses For Good

Have you been trying to get out of the toxic drinking cycle, but then after 4 or 5 days, you say, "screw it!"?

Download these 4 simple tips on how to conquer that wine witch once and for all, so you can actually ENJOY an alcohol-free life.