The stages of my drinking.

Dec 15, 2020

First, I drank because I wanted to be a rebel. Later, I drank because it let me loosen up at parties. Then I drank to relax. Lastly, I drank because if I didn't, I felt I would die.

This progression didn't happen overnight. It happened over a DECADE. I remember having my first sip of alcohol and absolutely hating the taste, but sneaking it from my parent's liquor cabinet was a high in itself. Then as time moved on and I went to college, I felt the freedom to do whatever I wanted without my parents having me on a short leash and continuing with that rebel streak and newfound freedom.

I binge drank like most of us. Crazy how we think binge drinking in college is "normal"? Why do we think like that? Because that's what has always been a passage into college and to get the partying out before you get a real job? Who knows.

Then I got a "big girl job" and drank at happy hours or a glass of wine after a day to unwind.

Then in motherhood, I drank because of the overwhelm, and everyone else was doing it, so I might as well.

Lastly, I drank because I was DEPENDENT on alcohol, physically and mentally.

Toward the end of my drinking career, if I didn't have alcohol for more than an hour or two, I would start going through withdrawals. And if I didn't have any alcohol in the house and the liquor store was closed, I would start panicking that I would have a stroke or seizure and die.

What a way to live, huh? The only thing I looked forward to and thought about was alcohol. I was dependent on it to survive. This is why I'm so passionate about telling my story and why I became a Sobriety Coach. I want to plant the seed for you so that you don't get to the point where you are dependent on alcohol.

I'm sure many of you are thinking that'll never happen to me, but I said that too and thought I had it under "control". The scary part is it doesn't happen overnight. It takes years, but one day you're looking back, wishing you had stopped sooner so that it didn't get to that point.

Are you ready to stop this cycle before it gets worse? Because it never gets better. Trust me. EARLY BIRD PRICING for the 60 Day Alcohol-Free Challenge ends this FRIDAY! Get in NOW! Link is in my bio, or message me directly.


4 Simple Tips To Ditch The Booze and The Excuses For Good

Have you been trying to get out of the toxic drinking cycle, but then after 4 or 5 days, you say, "screw it!"?

Download these 4 simple tips on how to conquer that wine witch once and for all, so you can actually ENJOY an alcohol-free life.