There is no such thing as a perfect mom.

Feb 09, 2021

The notion of having to be the perfect mom causes us to feel overwhelmed, unworthy, and in constant comparison, which in turn increases the chances we'll drink.

All those emotions that we don't want to feel. All the guilt of not spending enough time with our kids. All the guilt of not being the Pinterest worthy mom. All the guilt of feeling like we just don't have our sh*t together perpetuates the cycle of drinking.

We want all that chatter to go away, so what do we do? We turn to our trusty bottle of wine to take those thoughts away. But they're not gone because you wake up feeling even more guilt for drinking too much the night before.

What a vicious cycle to be in, right?

I hear it all the time, which is why I'm sharing it with you today. There is no such thing as a perfect mom. Perfect is objective, so what I think may be perfect, you may not think is perfect, and the next mom might have another definition of perfect. That's why it's important not to get caught up in the pressures society puts on us as mothers.

Also, no one has their sh*t together all the time. Trust me. You see someone's social media feed and assume everything is rainbows and butterflies by their pretty pictures, but I can guarantee they've struggled or are currently struggling with something. We all are. We may just not throw it out there for the world to see.

Those mamas that show us the mess and chaos are my kind of moms—no need for perfection around here. I can't relate to perfect, but I can relate to messy. Embrace the mess. Embrace being the unique version of you. I know easier said than done because, for many of us, that's why we turned to the bottle, to begin with. We don't like who we are. But you have to start somewhere, and removing alcohol from your life is a great place to begin to give you the love you deserve to your mind, body, and soul.

TWO spots have opened up for the 30 Day 1:1 Coaching Program (Bye, Bye Booze...Hello Freedom!)! If you've been struggling on this journey alone and can't seem to find the motivation to get out of this cycle, then this could be a good fit for you. Message me (@sobermomcoach), and we can chat to see if this would help you on your sobriety journey.


4 Simple Tips To Ditch The Booze and The Excuses For Good

Have you been trying to get out of the toxic drinking cycle, but then after 4 or 5 days, you say, "screw it!"?

Download these 4 simple tips on how to conquer that wine witch once and for all, so you can actually ENJOY an alcohol-free life.