Confidently Be Booze Free - 60 Day Challenge starting December 1!

I KNOW it is, or you wouldn't be here right now. The only requirement to ditch booze and be your most confident self is that it's NOT MAKING YOU FEEL GOOD. There is no rehab, drinking morning until night, being homeless, losing your kids, DUI, or other negative dire consequences required. ONLY that knowingness deep inside that there has to be a better way to go through this one life we have. You are worthy of a life without alcohol. Now LET'S DO THIS TOGETHER!


Let me know if this sounds familiar...

  • When it hits 5 o'clock on the dot, you reach for a glass of wine without even consciously thinking about it.
  • You tell yourself you're going to take a break from drinking for a few weeks or a month and can't even make it to day five without slipping.
  • You fantasize about that first sip of wine that hits your lips. And when you're finally able to have a sip, it's like all your problems and stressors of the day melt away.
  • You've tried to "moderate." You plan out the days you're going to drink and how much you're going to drink, but your plan never works out like you hoped it would.

If that sounds about right, keep on reading.

There's just one problem...

You know things need to change, BUT...


You're absolutely terrified of surviving a social event or night out to dinner without your beloved glass of liquid courage.


You've spent many years or even decades relying on alcohol to cope with life, motherhood, pretty much anything, and you're lost on where to even begin.


So many will try to ditch alcohol, but they don't tell anyone. They try to do it all by themselves without any support. Eventually, their will runs out, and they end up back in the same old cycle.

It doesn't have to be this way.

Imagine if you could rid your life of alcohol without feeling deprived...

  • You’d be content with ordering a mocktail or NA beer at your local restaurant.
  • You’d appreciate the moments of pure joy with your kids.
  • You’d have new, healthier ways to relax and cope with the daily stresses of life.
  • You’d put your own needs and desires at the top of your list, instead of constantly putting others before you.
  • You’d be proud of your new alcohol-free lifestyle.
  • You wouldn’t care what others thought of you not drinking alcohol.

Confidently Be Booze Free - 60 Day Challenge starting December 1st

The ONLY Alcohol-Free Challenge that includes DAILY personalized support, DAILY accountability check in’s, and a supportive, safe space with other mothers who are at a similar point in their journey.

60 Days Full of Content

The modules are filled with 60 days worth of education, resources, tips, and worksheets to help you dig deeper into why alcohol has become this nagging presence in your life. 

Daily Accountability Check-ins

Every night at 9 pm EST within the Facebook group there will be a check-in for you to respond to. Accountability plays a HUGE role in this journey and in changing habits. This is a favorite with the moms who join this challenge.

4 Group Coaching Calls

These will be 60-minute group calls facilitated by me where you will have the opportunity to ask questions, receive support, and interact with your fellow mamas.

Private FB Community

This will be YOUR space to ask questions, receive support, and form deep connections that will last well beyond the 60 days. 

Let's Dig Into The Details!

Here's how it all pans out...

Daily content and audio lessons (resources, tips, worksheets, videos, or articles)

  • The basics for sustaining an alcohol-free life
  • What the habit loop is and how to find your triggers
  • How to get you out of the “mom guilt” cycle
  • How to diminish the negative self-talk that’s keeping you stuck
  • How to quiet the inner voice that’s trying to sabotage you
  • How to be confident on this journey
  • What tools you can add to your sobriety toolbox

FOUR live 60-minute group coaching calls

It’s one thing to communicate with someone through text or comments, it’s another level of experience to be able to HEAR and LISTEN to what others are struggling with, and think of ways we can get past a roadblock TOGETHER. We can’t go through this journey alone. We need to form connections, and this is the way to do just that.

Support and DAILY accountability check in's

I use my experience as a Certified Professional Recovery/Life Coach to guide you through this challenge. I check in with the group to answer questions, reply to comments, and be there for you when you need it the most once a day. A Facebook account is optional, but to get the full experience is recommended. Daily journal prompts, content, and audio will be delivered to your inbox every morning at 8 am EST.

Every night in the private Facebook Group at 9 pm EST, I will be posting a sober check-in. I do this so in the back of your mind you know that you can’t just talk yourself into having a glass (or 2) of wine. Accountability is crucial in getting through the early days of sobriety, and I’ll be there, making sure you stay on track.

How does this sound?

Your Life After 60 Days in the Confidently Be Booze Free Challenge...

  • Be confident in your decision to say NO to alcohol, so that you can attend social situations and be perfectly content with your alcohol-free beverage of choice. 

  •  Be free of the constant thoughts about alcohol, so that you can live the life you were meant to without a mind-altering substance.

  •  Have developed healthy coping mechanisms, so that you don’t turn to alcohol when you’re anxious, stressed, sad, or whatever negative emotion you are feeling.

  •  Have eliminated the extra bloat, so that you feel better about yourself.

  •  Have gained patience with your children, so that you and your kids are happier without the added power struggle.

  •  Have ditched the nights of waking up at 3 am riddled with anxiety and regret, so that you can wake up in the morning knowing that you didn’t say or do anything embarrassing the night before.

  •  Have started to explore who you are without an alcohol-induced haze so that you’re not mindlessly going through the daily motions of life.

"I've tried so many times over the past year or 2. This is different because this is the first time I've had a support group and accountability. This time feels very different in a really good way. So thankful for this challenge." 

-  Megan

"I can't believe it! When I started the 60 day challenge in June I didn't have that much hope I could make it. The first few weeks were so hard, but then things got easier and I found joy in everything I gained from stopping. I'm so happy and so proud that I could give this gift to myself and my family. "

- E M I L Y


More testimonials HERE.

Ready to be Confidently Booze Free? Choose your investment.

Pay in Full


  • 60 days full of content and audio lessons
  • Support and DAILY accountability check-ins
  • (4) 60-minute Group Coaching Calls
  • Detox Your Mind - 30 Day Mini Course
  • Private Facebook Community
  • LIFETIME ACCESS to the challenge
  • and all the bonuses!!

3 payments of


  • 60 days full of content and audio lessons
  • Support and DAILY accountability check-ins
  • (4) 60-minute Group Coaching Calls
  • Detox Your Mind - 30 Day Mini Course
  • Private Facebook Community
  • LIFETIME ACCESS to the challenge
  • and all the bonuses!!

And there is more!

When you enroll, you'll also get these awesome bonuses:

Bonus #1

Lifetime Access to the Sober Mom Tribe FB Support Group

When the challenge is over, you'll be able to stay in touch with other sober moms. Share your struggles, successes, milestones. I'm not just going to leave you hanging. Connection is a key part of sustaining an alcohol-free life, and this helps you do just that. 

Bonus #2

Booze Free Workbook

As a Certified Professional Recovery Coach, I know what questions to ask to get you to go below the surface. You'd be amazed at all the "aha" moments you'll have when you start to examine your relationship with alcohol.

Bonus #3

Detox Your Mind Journaling Mini Course

This is one of the many tools that will help in getting your thoughts out. One of the main struggles that we endure is holding everything in. We can’t do that, or one day it’s just going to come out in unhealthy ways. Journaling is a healthy way to process your emotions and to bring to light what is stuck under the surface.

Meet your Sober Mom Coach

Hi, I'm Alyson Premo.

Over 7 years ago, I was in the midst of a drinking cycle that I didn’t know how to get out of. 

Right now, you may be justifying your drinking with the mommy wine memes, merchandise, and the “everyone around me is drinking," so I’m fine attitude. I thought I was “fine” too until I slowly progressed to having shots of vodka before work, going out to the liquor store at lunch to fill up my coffee cup with wine, and finishing a whole bottle of wine before bed as my way of relaxing from the stressors of motherhood. 

This progression didn’t happen overnight. It took years of detoxing and thinking I could moderate, and then slowly going back to my old ways to finally wake up. Ultimately I hit my “rock bottom” on 11/14/16, and it ended up being the worst and best day of my life. That was the day I got sick of living my every waking moment with anxiety, sick of the hangovers, sick of not being the mother my son deserved, and sick of feeling like an embarrassment..

To fulfill my purpose in life...

I switched career paths from being in the corporate world as a Business Development Executive to becoming a Certified Professional Recovery/Life Coach. I was fueled by my passion to help other mothers who are struggling alone, and for those that wanted a different way than reading out of a Big Book in a church basement. 

I have been where you are. Hiding how much I was drinking. Chugging alcohol before even leaving to go to a restaurant. Never leaving a sip of alcohol behind. Not telling anyone how much I was drinking for fear of being called a bad mom. The shame and guilt kept me trapped in this cycle for far too long, which is why I’ve created this program. 

I’ve used my own experience of over 7 years of sobriety and other proven research to help get you out of this cycle. You do not have to do this alone. I’m here for you and 39 other mothers waiting inside the challenge to cheer you on too. I can’t wait for you to join us!

This is possible for you too.

Here's how!

1. Join Confidently Be Booze Free

Click the enrollment button and follow the checkout steps. In minutes, you'll get an email will your login details and next steps.

2. Dive in, participate, and show up

How does the version of you at 60 days alcohol free show up for this program? Ask questions, support your fellow mamas, and enjoy this experience. This is not meant to be torture, but a way to a better life once and for all.

3. Be a Confident Booze Free Mama.

Finally feel confident as a non-drinker. Show up to parties with your fav NA beverage of choice and proudly say, "I'M NOT DRINKING!"


This is for you if:

  • AA wasn’t your thing, and you want a more science-based approach. 
  • You’ve decided that there’s no better time than NOW to quit drinking, BUT you’re nervous about HOW you will do it.
  • You’ve been trying to be entirely alcohol-free for some time now, and you can go days or even months, but it just doesn't end up sticking, and you're right back or worse off in your old pattern.

This isn't for you if:

  • You are physically dependent on alcohol.
  • You are not willing to do the work.
  • You're looking for a quick fix.

Are you ready to become Confidently Booze Free?

It's TIME to drop the excuses and show yourself you are so damn worthy of a life without alcohol.


Frequently Asked Questions

Still here?

Good, because there's something I need to tell you.

You know, deep down, something needs to change. 

You know that you can’t keep living your life in this alcohol-induced haze. 

You know that you are meant for so much more than reaching for a glass of wine when times get tough. 

You know that your kids deserve a mother who says alcohol is bad, but then actually shows them that by not drinking it herself. 

Don’t keep putting your mental and physical health on the back burner. We only get one mind and body, so treat it with the respect it deserves, instead of polluting it with a cancer-causing substance. 

By the way, the American Cancer Society came out with NEW guidelines in June 2020 that stated it is best to AVOID alcohol completely. 

You read that right. Our culture is shifting, and it’s time to get on the alcohol-free train together. Hop on board, and let’s do this TOGETHER!

Here's what's waiting for you on the other side:
  • Less or nonexistent anxiety (no more 3 am wakeups!)
  • More mental energy for things that truly matter, not the back and forth of should I drink or should I not? At the end of the 60 days, you will already know that answer based on how you're FEELING.
  • LIVING instead of just surviving the monotony of day-to-day #momlife!
Ready to Confidently Be Booze Free? Choose your investment.

Pay in Full


  • 60 days full of content and audio lessons
  • Support and DAILY accountability check-ins
  • (4) 60-minute Group Coaching Calls
  • Detox Your Mind - 30 Day Mini Course
  • Private Facebook Community
  • LIFETIME ACCESS to the challenge
  • and all the bonuses!!

3 payments of


  • 60 days full of content and audio lessons
  • Support and DAILY accountability check-ins
  • (4) 60-minute Group Coaching Calls
  • Detox Your Mind - 30 Day Mini Course
  • Private Facebook Community
  • LIFETIME ACCESS to the challenge
  • and all the bonuses!!